Rights of nature – the game changer decision

The report was presented at the Third National Conference on Bioethics and Biolaw "A Man in bioethics and biolaw regulations " in Sofia, Bulgaria...

Kiva ceremony in Varsana eco village

In Varsana Jardines Ecológicos, Colombia, a reunion of native communities was held 9:th to 13:th of December 2015, at the same time as the...

Manifesto of the U’wa people

Presented by Berito KuwarU’wa, President of the U’wa Traditional Authorities, at the National Forum on the Environment at Guaduas, Colombia in 1997. Benito Cobería, U'was...

Manifestation of support by the Encyclical LAUDATO SI in Rome.

On Sunday 28th of June, PMC marched to support Pope Francis ENCYCLICAL LETTER LAUDATO SI’ with dozens of Italian and international organizations - belonging...

Your Garbage Is Polluting Even The Deep, Remote Reaches of the...

ven creatures at the bottom of the ocean aren’t sheltered from the detritus of human civilization. Underwater surveys conducted at dozens of sites in...


Here are some images of the Third meeting of the Protectors of Mother Earth Lifesaver Plan IKWASHENDWNA. This meeting seeks to bring together spiritual...

WCP in Kumbha Mela India 2013

WCP participated in India's Kumbha Mela 2013 the biggest meeting of sages and yogis to promote the protection of nature (earth) and respect for...

Meeting IKWASHENDWNA (Life Saving Plan) in the Sierra Nevada of Colombia

Colombia, June 2013 Between May 15 and 20th in 2013, in the town of Wiwa in the Tezhúmake territory of the Sierra Nevada Mountains of...

Greenpeace blocked petrol stations in the Netherlands

    Greenpeace has shut down 50 Shell petrol stations in the Netherlands in a protest against the company's plans to drill for oil in the...