Care for the Sacred Water

Prayers to ganges river, sacred water

The Rivers and water sources are deities worshiped by the ancient cultures of the world, because of them it depends the life and health of Mother Nature and all of us. This divine being is at risk by the repression of rivers to build hydroelectric dams, chemical pollution, consumption of meat, monoculture, mining, etc.

Dr. Vandana Shiva in his book “water wars” clearly explains how most conflicts and wars in the world, including those that appear to be of religious or ethnic stamp, they are deep, conflicts caused by drought sources of drinking water, due mainly to the use of transgenic seeds, monocultures and other aspects of industrial agriculture model.

Protecting water is an urgency and each of us must take responsibility for this need.

The 9 Principles of the Water Democracy

1. Water is nature’s gift: We receive water freely from nature. We owe it to nature to use this gift in accordance with our sustenance needs, to keep it clean and in adequate quantity. Diversions that create arid or waterlogged regions violate the principles of ecological democracy.

2. Water is essential to life: Water is the source or life for all species. All species and ecosystems have a right to their share of water on the planet.

3. Life is interconnected through water: Water connects all beings and all parts of the planet through the water cycle. We all have a duty to ensure that our actions do not cause harm to other species and other people.

4. Water must be free for sustenance needs: Since nature gives water to us free of cost, buying and selling it for profit violates our inherent right to nature’s gift and denies the poor of their human rights.

5. Water is limited and can be exhausted: Water is limited and exhaustible if used nonsustainably. Nonsustainable use includes extracting more water from ecosystems than nature can recharge (ecological nonsustainability) and consuming more than one’s legitimate share, given the rights of others to a fair share (social nonsustainability).

6. Water must be conserved: Everyone has a duty to conserve water and use water sustainably within ecological and just limits.

7. Water is a commons: Water is not a human invention. It cannot be bound and has no boundaries. It is by nature a commons. It cannot be owned as private property and sold as a commodity.

8. No one holds a right to destroy: No one has a right to overuse, abuse, waste, or pollute water systems. Tradable-pollution permits violate the principle of sustainable and just use.

9. Water cannot be substituted: Water is intrinsically different from other resources and products. It cannot be treated as a commodity.

The World Conscious Pact in partnership with Canto al Agua proposes to work to heal our relationship with water and educate communities as guardians of this source of life. In addition, we support the action of organizations like Ganga Action Parivar, Water and Spirituality, Act Now Vrindavan among others, to protect the sacred rivers, territories and water sources in the world.

We heal our waters with what we eat, doing and thinking.


ama-zonas por la proteccion de la amazonia

The concern for the condition of the rivers in the world, brings together representatives of different sacred rivers in a prayer for the Ganges River during the Kumbha Mela, India, 2013 (pictured above). Later, the musical production Ama-Zonas receive this prayer and share it with all mankind (2015).

Ama-zonas brings together artists of the world for the defense of the sacred rivers, jungle and ancient cultures. His music is an offering and a prayer to Mother Nature. You can hear the full album here

Allies in the cause that brings us together

Water and Spirituality
Ganga Action Parivar
Vrindavan Act Now
Canto al agua

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