The documents here collected and shared by the World Conscious Pact with its dear readers, are documents of significant importance, awakenings of a new world, the first stroke of a revolution, of the evolution of a world awakening.
Of course, that awakening occurs locally as well as worldwide. Simultaneously to the efforts of the World Conscious Pact, many organizations, nations, peoples, people, etc. around the world, recognize and declare themselves as responsible participants for these changing times, taking positive attitudes and telling all their brothers: “Here we are, we also want a change!”.
Each of these documents are evidence of this great moment, are winds of change, alarm calls, which in turn can be powerful documents, capable of transmitting a wisdom, a subtlety and depth that is looming in the simplicity and clarity with which the truth is expressed.
Then, we can also see that wisdom lacks copyright expected from intricate and twisted forms of “civilized” thought, but expresses the feelings of the people, which with a little common sense, we can identify as the most sincere feeling of entire humanity.
We invite you to read and share these valuable contributions, which at some point will be historical testimonies of great change, for the times when the world celebrates the brotherhood with all beings respecting life and diversity.
United Nations of the Spirit Constitution

From December 9th-14th, 2015, numerous leaders and members of a diverse variety of indigenous communities from all over America met in the Eco Yoga Village Varsana (a few kilometers from Bogota), along with artists (Chaskis, messengers of love), activists, elders, etc…

We are born as children of the earth… that is something neither indigenous people or the white man (riowa), can deny, more than a thousand times and in a thousand different ways we have told them that the earth is our mother, that we cannot and do not want to sell it, but it seems that the white man has not understood, they insist that we hand them over….

On December 21, 2013, the Arhuaco people, represented by the Cabildo Governor, met with leaders of community processes and custodians of seeds in the place known as Nabusimake, the spiritual center of the Arhuaco community, located in the heart of Ati Seynekun (Mother Earth)…