Protect Sacred Shrines and Routes

Long before internet and modernized, motorized transportation existed, there were many communication and pilgrimage routes that allowed villages to communicate and have a network of cooperation in different parts of the world. Examples of these pilgrimage routes in India are the main sanctuaries, as well as Inca roads that connected many areas of South America and other pilgrimage routes that exist in different mystical traditions that walked the Earth.

The positive energy found in these sacred routes transmits that we are all part of one big family and we are all connected to catch both the welfare of our brothers elsewhere, connecting us through the network of consciousness of a large universal family.

The World Conscious Pact teaches us to respect these routes and their respective sanctuaries in all possible dimensions. The sacred path of the Kiva, which connects the ancient peoples of the world in Mexico, Austria, Chile, Colombia, etc., as well as the Ikwashendwna route that connects brothers from Russia, India, Europe and America, to name a few of the routes the network participates in.

The voice of Abya Yala, of the American continents, the voice of the grandparents, the Mamos and Mamas (sagas), is of great importance. We try to be instruments to join this voice and make it heard by the rest of the world.

Sanctuaries and sacred Routes are living instruments to restore our connection, both internally and externally, with the source of life itself, with the beings that sustain us, to thank the miracle and grace to participate in creation, and feel again that our role is to be guardians, brothers and sisters, and friends to all that exists.

Let’s protect Sanctuaries and Sacred Routes

Govardhana hill - India

Govardhana hill – India

Titicaca lake - Peru y Bolivia

Titicaca lake – Peru y Bolivia

Nabusimake - Colombia

Nabusimake – Colombia

Ganges river - India

Ganges river – India

Macchu Picchu - Perú

Macchu Picchu – Perú

Source of the River Bogota - Colombia

Source of the River Bogota – Colombia

El Illimani - Chile

El Illimani – Bolivia

Allies in the cause that brings us together

naturagente ikwashendwna pacto mundial consciente

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