Every single human being is being invited to become a Nature Agent, guardians of Mother Earth, This is the calling of Ikwashendwna, that we become guardians of the Ancestral Wisdom that leads us, of the Sanctuaries, of the Seeds, of the Water, of the Life and the happiness of every life being in the universe. It’s our duty to transmit this message, to learn it and pass it on, to educate our own children so we take care of what is more important.
Victoria Solano – Filmmaker, with the World Citizen Password
We believe that only the love, the union and the peaceful boycott can help us to achieve this mission. We don’t support any violent action, because violence only benefits the defense industry. Moreover, we appeal to the consumer power which, when its support is retired to the companies that generate suffering, can effectively influence the course of history when becoming a multiplier entity of this peaceful consciousness.
Casey Camp-Horinek (Ponka Nation), Domingo Ankuash (Ashuar Nation) and Robin R. Milam (Court for the Rights of the Nature)
The World Conscious Pact, through this page intends to give you all the required material to everyone that in any way promotes an extraordinary state of consciousness or behavior in favor of Mother Earth and by extension to every life being that in this planet lives, and so by, making it easier to promote this noble and necessary cause, extending it between everyone who feels themselves a citizen of the world, stay alert over the necessity of a really civilized world.
Here are materials that you can use to weave awareness network wherever you are.
Conscious Consumption Certificate
Declaration of the United Nations of the spirit
and much more…!
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